Thomas Little’s Will

The will of Thomas Little of Biddestone, Wiltshire


In the name of God Amen I Thomas Little of Biddestone Saint Nicholas in the County of Wilts Carpenter being sick in body but of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding thanks be to God for the same do make ordain constitute and appoint this my last Will and testament in manner and form following that is to say First I give and confirm unto my Son Stephen Little All those two Cottages or tenements and two Closes of Meadows and arable Land Containing three acres and an half and one acre lying in the field all which premises are situate lying and being in the Parishes of Biddestone St Nicholas and Biddestone St Peters in the said County or one of them and were lately purchased by my father ffrancis Little deceased of St Phillips Parker Long in Reversion after my decease & the decease of my Brother James Little for the term of ninety nine years determinable on the death of my said Son Stephen Little for the sole Benefit of the said Stephen Little and with the proper moneys of the sd Stephen Little To hold the same to the said Stephen Little for and during all the sd Term of ninety nine years now to come and unexpired To and for his own proper use and benefit Also I give to my sd Son Stephen Little my ffurnace two Scale Beames and a pair of Scales one Grate and one Jack and spit two new wooden chairs and one great wooden chair a little table board a twenty gallon barrell and a pump and one large pewter platter and one bed and bedstead with the furniture thereto belonging all which said goods now in his pofsefsion and I give to my daughter Jane West one shilling only and I give my Son Thomas Little my house and garden in Cutt Lane now in the pofsefsion of Henry Barns to hold to my said Son Thomas Little his heirs and afsigns forever And I give to my Son ffrancis Little my silver watch to be delivered to him immediately after my decease Also I give my said Son ffrancis Little my Clock to be delivered to him immediately after the decease or marriage of my wife which shall first happen And I give and devise to my Wife Ann Little all that my leasehold inefsauge or tenement in Biddestone St Peter aforesaid with the outhouses and appurtenances thereto belonging now in the pofsefsion of my said Son Stephen and also my leasehold Cottage or tenement situate in Longdean in the parish of Church Yatton in the said County now in the pofsefsion of of John Kains And also the use of all my household goods not herein particularly bequeathed and also all my Stock in trade To hold the same to my said wife and her afsigns during so long time as she my said wife shall continue my widow if my estate and interest therein shall so long continue but subject neverthelefs to the payment of all my just debts and funeral expenses And from and after the marriage or decease of my said wife which shall first happen I give and bequeath the said inefsuages cottages or tenements last mentioned and also my Stock in trade to be equally divided amongst all my children as shall be then living except my said daughter Jane West share and share alike And all my household goods I will shall be equally divided betwixt all my children as shall be then living except the said Jane West and Stephen Little share and share alike All the rest and residue of my goods chattells and estate of what nature or kind soever not herein before given and bequeathed I do hereby give and bequeath to my said wife but subject nevertheless to the payment of my debts and funeral expenses And I do hereby make my said wife sole executrix of this my last Will and testament revoking all former Wills by me made In witnefs whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal the 21st day of June 1757

the mark of Thomas Little   T L

Whereas in and by my last Will and testament within mentioned I have given and bequeathed my Stock in trade after the marriage or decease of my wife to be divided together with other things therein mentioned amongst all my children / except Jane West / be it therefore remembered that before the execution of my said Will I have revoked the said bequest and do Will that the said Stock in trade after the marriage or decease of my said wife be divided amongst my Sons only.

the mark of Thomas Little

Attested by Jas Wild, Mary Wild, Wm Tanner (signatures)

Sealed and delivered published and declared by the within named Thomas Little the testator as and for his last Will and testament in our presence and in his presence subscribed and attested by us

Jas Wild, Mary Wild, Wm Tanner (signatures)

??? on the 12th day of May 1758 the Executor within named was duly sworn before me – G Lake (signature)

/32/ Biddeston St Nicholas

The Will of Thomas Little deceased

This Will was proved at Chippingham on the 12th day of May 1758 before the Revd Gilbert Lake Clk MA lawful surrogate of the Revd Worshipfull the Archdeacon xxxxx And by him Adxxxation  of the Effects of the dxxed was Granted unto Ann Little Within named being first duly Sworn of the Truth of the said Will to fulfill the same and pay the dxxed  Debts and Legacys as far as his Goods and Chatts will extend and to exhibit a true Invry and yield a first Account when required – having the right of all perfons

Willm Boucher Noty Publ Ac


Summary of facts revealed by this will

Thomas Little died shortly before 12 May 1758

Thomas was a carpenter

Thomas’s father was Francis Little, who died before 21 June 1757

Thomas’s wife was Ann

Thomas had a brother James alive in 1751

At the date of his will Thomas had the following children

Stephen Little
Francis Little
Jane West (nee Little)
Thomas Little

The will indicates he had more children

At the date of his will Thomas bequeathed land

two Cottages or tenements
two Closes of Meadows
arable Land Containing three acres and an half
one acre lying in the field

All the above were previously owned by his father Francis and situated in the Parishes of Biddestone St Nicholas and Biddestone St Peters, I could not find a will for Francis

house and garden in Cutt Lane in the possession of Henry Barns (this could be Cuttle Lane, Biddestone)

leasehold tenement in Biddestone St Peter with outhouses in the possession of Thomas’s son Stephen

leasehold Cottage in Longdean in the parish of Church Yatton in the possession of John Kains (northwest of Biddestone)

Wiltshire and Swindon Archives P3/L/448

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